Thank you for contact our web page . We are glad to receive you and your kid to our services. In our office, we will do the impossible to feel you as our family, and we are more than happy to solve all necessities on your child dental needs.
Our vision is to observe quality in dental services in the less possible time, so that you obtain the best treatment at a reasonable cost.
Our mission is to bring dental services with the highest standards, and rehabilitate your child' s oral health promptly. We want that you also changes the incorrect patterns that caused the wrong oral condition of your child, and we are here to explain, give recommendations and provide alternative of treatment.
On our country, we have a lot of possibilities to provide your family a charming experience. Search the web for different tours, shopping malls, beaches, and of course, our Old San Juan Spanish heritage district. It's time that you minimize your stress, dealing with the logistic to obtain dental services . 1
We are able to provide comprehensive dental treatment , rehabilitating all your child mouth in one visit, under general anesthesia in hospital environment. You may contact us through: Email: aruizdmd@gmail.comTelephone: 787-787-6738 Fax: 787-787-6764 If you already has a referral from your primary dentist, we prefer that you send it us , with any x rays or photographies. If you also has a previous estimate for the cost of treatment of your child, we can receive that document. The doctor may start to do a preliminary treatment plan with that information.
Comerio Ave. # ZA-20( Ave. Ramon L. Rodriguez )
Urb. Riverview Bayamon, PR 00961
Your first visit with Dr. Ruiz will be in his office at the above address. He will evaluate the patient, perform a clinical examination , diagnosis and will stablish dental needs, confirming or revising any previous preliminar treatment plan that was made with the information you send by electronic methods. He will discuss with you the final treatment plan and will answer all question you still having.
Your child will receive treatment under general anesthesia in Puerto Rico Children's Hospital, Bayamon, PR. Tel. 1-787-474-8282 ext. 4895 office of the Medical Director A certified anesthesiologist will be in charge of the anesthesia. We will help you to coordinate admission to the hospital. Services will be rendered in a same day basis; patient will be admitted early in the morning, and after treatment, stay by few hours in recovery room and then will be discharge, after anesthesiologist give clearance. 2
Patient has to be pre admitted to the hospital services, one to two days before the procedures without stay in it. For example, if the procedures will performed on Friday, the Wednesday before, patient , abstaining from get breakfast, will receive blood tests such as complete blood count, urinalysis, chest x rays and in some cases, electrocardiograph . A pediatrician will evaluate your child , and his tests; then give us a clearance for procedures. You return to your hotel and return to the hospital on Friday with you child abstaining to get breakfast, for the comprehensive dental treatment.
We prefer that you select the nearest hotel to the hospital. A nice alternative is : Hyatt Place Hotel San Juan/Bayamon Ave. Ramon L. Rodriguez Bayamon, PR It is a contemporary hotel, recently constructed, near walking distance from Plaza del Sol Shopping Mall, many local, American style and fast foods restaurants, Science Park , and Contemporary Art Museum of Bayamon, PR, and about 8-10 minutes by taxi to the hospital and 3 minutes to the Pediatric Dentist office. Tel. 1-787-779-5000
There will be charges by: Dental services Anesthesiologist Hospital facilities You also have to budget for hotel and transportation. Before you arrive, you will receive an estimate of each.
We would be evaluating these documents and replying with a preliminary treatment plan that will include procedures and costs.
Once the services are coordinated, the patient will receive all necessary treatment in the agreed facilities. If there are no complications, the patient is discharged the same day.
It is recommended to return to your country of origin after 2 days of surgery. You should get a local dentist for preventive and maintenance care.
Dr. Aurelio Ruiz is a Pediatric a Dentist with 30 years in practice. He studied in the University of Puerto Rico. He obtained a Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry with a hospital based training in the Pediatric University Hospital, San Juan, PR. in 1984. Dr. Ruiz obtained a Fellow from the American Society of Dentistry for Children in 1990. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry , Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and member of the College of Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.
He also was the president of Puerto Rico Board of Dental Examiners for three years and Director of dental clinic of Dr. Otero Lopez Hospital(actually Manati Medical Center) in Manati, PR for 11 years. He maintains his private practice in Bayamon and Manati, PR. ACCESS , FILL , AND SEND FORMS OF MEDICAL HISTORY AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTS You can send patient's information and necessary documents before you arrive. Please, access the English version for the forms and proceed to fill and send by fax or email. We will contact you for reviewing or stablish a dental record.
Nuestros servicios incluyen tratamiento comprensivo de todas las restauraciones en la boca del paciente, realizadas el mismo día, bajo anestesia general en sala de operaciones del P.R. Women and Children’s Hospital. Este servicio es exclusivo para aquellos pacientes que así lo ameriten, debido al pobre comportamiento en ambiente dental, naturaleza o complejidad de los procedimientos a realizarse y condición médica del paciente. Algunos ejemplos pueden ser: pacientes pre-escolares o infantes con caries de niñez temprana, pacientes de perlesía cerebral, pacientes médicamente comprometidos, pacientes con condiciones emocionales, ansiosos, autismo y de edad mental atrasada, pacientes de múltiples caries cuyos arreglos podrían resultar muy dolorosos bajo anestesia local o intolerable a temprana edad.
Si usted desea este servicio para su hijo, debe comunicarse a nuestra oficina para una consulta con el especialista dental. Si usted no vive en PR, comuníquese por correo electrónico o Envié cualquier plan de tratamiento previo, recomendado por otro dentista de tenerlo, radiografías y algún otro documento que usted estime que nos puede ayudar en el diagnóstico y definición del plan de tratamiento.
Estaríamos evaluando estos documentos y contestándole con un. Plan de tratamiento preliminar que incluirá procedimientos y costos.
Mientras tanto, le sugerimos el hotel más cercano a las facilidades del hospital a donde llegaría en 8 minutos por automóvil o a través de Uber.
Hyatt Place Hotel
Carr 167
Ave. Ramon L. Rivera
Bayamón, P.R. 00961
Guest reservations: (855)-478-0732
Una vez coordinado los servicios, el paciente recibirá todo tratamiento necesario en las facilidades acordadas. De no haber ninguna complicación, el paciente es dado de alta el mismo día.
Se recomienda volver a viajar a su país de origen luego de 2 días de operado. Debe conseguir a un dentista de su localidad para cuidado preventivo y de mantenimiento.